Monday 20 April 2020

10 hours of code - 10th hour

I read the article about a designer of C ++ on codecademy

10 hours of code - 9th hour

I am doing a small quiz on codecademy

10 hours of code - 8th hour

I'm learning how to use code to learn to move a car

10 hours of code - 7th hour

Next I learned how to color the circle I drew

10 hours of code - 6th hour

I am learning how to draw circles using code commands

10 hours of code - 5th hour

I continued to read an article about tips for staying safe at home during the covid-19 epidemic

10 hours of code - 4th hour

I am learning to use code to play flappy birds

10 hours of code - 3rd hour

I am using the code command to draw

10 hours of code - second hour

I am reading about an article on codecademy about how to prevent covid-19 today. I find this article very helpful to me.

10 hours of CODE - first hour

I started learning codecademy's code. It will help me a lot for later exercises

Tuesday 11 February 2020

Photoshop Morphing CassoGirafurtle




matamata turtle

pitbull dog



  • I start with a layer mask on the girafle and one on the turtle to cut off the background - refine it with the paint brush (using black)
  • I then add the girafle neck to the turtle body
  • I create an adjustment layer to colour balance the girafle neck to match the turtle body on the adjustable layer
  • I continue with a layer mask on the cassowary head that I add to the girafle neck
  • I add a new background layer under the cassogirafurtle layers - ctrl-click new layer button
  • I insert or copy paste in the new background layer
  • I bright areas of the cassogirafurtle with the DODGE tool
  • I burn in extra shadow on the turtle layer with the BURN tool
  • I adjust the cassogirafurtle size as necessary
  • I add a black and white filter and a color balance filter on all the layers to have a monochromatic tone
  • I add watermark

Monday 10 February 2020

Photoshop Morphing - CrocoFrog

original frog

original crocodile


Layers - NOTE - mask layers - new background - hidden originals - watermark

Wednesday 5 February 2020

Two tutorial post

Two tutorial post

Photoshop Tutorial: Transform Animal Skin into Tiger Skin



10 hours of code - 10th hour

I read the article about a designer of C ++ on codecademy